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A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a legal contract that prohibits one or more parties from disclosing confidential or proprietary information to others. Business owners may use NDAs to protect sensitive information, such as trade secrets, business plans, customer lists, financial data, and other proprietary information.


Business owners may need an NDA in several situations, such as when they are:

  • Hiring employees who will have access to sensitive information
  • Negotiating with potential investors or partners
  • Working with vendors or suppliers who need access to confidential information
  • Developing new products or technologies that they want to keep confidential until they are ready to launch
  • Collaborating with other businesses on a project that requires sharing sensitive information.

By having an NDA in place, business owners can ensure that their confidential information remains protected and that the parties who have access to it are legally bound not to disclose it to others.


Each contract templates comes with instructions and explanation of each section of the contract.

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

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