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Non-Profit Law

Brent Bownes Law understands the challenges nonprofits face and can offer guidance that clients need to comply with federal and state regulations. We are passionate about supporting, advocating for, and partnering with nonprofits and the people behind them.


We take the time to understand the specific legal and business needs of each client. From starting a nonprofit to charity operations to employee relations, nearly every facet of your nonprofit involves compliance issues.


That's why we steer our clients through the confusing maze of state and federal laws so nonprofit leaders can focus on running the nonprofit.

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We advise on the following matters:

Register Your Non Profit

We will set up your nonprofit corporation and prepare and file all paperwork required with the Secretary of State.

Achieve 501c3 Tax Exemption

100 % of our clients are approved for  501c3 tax exemption status with the IRS. Being tax-exempt will save you money over time which is a plus for any nonprofit. *Disclaimer- Past Results do not predict future outcome.

Trademark Your Nonprofit Name

Trademark Your Nonprofit Name: Don't let others steal the branding you've work so hard to create for your nonprofit. Protect it with trademarks

Compliance Considerations

Don't let others steal the branding you've worked so hard to create for your nonprofit. Protect it with trademarks Founding Documents: Having a solid foundation for your nonprofit is extremely important. Whether you need bylaws, conflict of interest statement, board governance we can help.

Get Paid A Salary

Ready to start hiring staff or paying yourself? Let us guide you to make sure you're in compliance

Brent Bownes Law is the supportive partner you seek to guide you and your organization. 
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